==== Arquivo configuraĆ§Ć£o Gmail ==== ---- set my_name = "Nome" set from=e-mail@gmail.com set hostname="gmail.com" #color status cyan default folder-hook ^imap:// 'unset trash' #imap set imap_user=e-mail@gmail.com set imap_pass=******* set folder="imaps://imap.gmail.com/" set postponed="=Drafts" set spoolfile="imaps://imap.gmail.com/INBOX" set smtp_url = "smtp://e-mail@smtp.gmail.com:587/" set smtp_pass= "*******" #Remote folders set trash = "+[Gmail]/Trash" set record = "+[Gmail]/Sent Mail" unset record set postponed = "+[Gmail]/Drafts" set spoolfile = "+INBOX" # which mailboxes to list in the sidebar mailboxes +--[Gmail]----- +INBOX +[Gmail]/Trash +[Gmail]/Drafts +[Gmail]/'Sent Mail' +[Gmail]/Spam +nfe_dell # Trash macro index d "s=[Gmail]/Trash\n" "Trash Message" #set headers my_hdr From: e-mail@gmail.com folder-hook . my_hdr From: Nome my_hdr X-Mailer: `mutt -v| head -n1` my_hdr X-Sender: e-mail@gmail.com my_hdr Return-Path: e-mail@gmail.com my_hdr X-Operating-System: GNU/Linux Kernel `uname -r` (`uname -m`) my_hdr X-Editor: `vim --version | head -n1` my_hdr User-Agent: `mutt -version | head -n 1` unignore From To Cc Subject Date Reply-To # Now unignore all unignore Organization X-Mailer User-Agent # these unignore User-Agent X-Mailer unignore Reply-To hdr_order User-Agent X-Mailer #hdr_order From: Date: To: Cc: Subject:# Place Headers in this order # All kinds of hooks go here send-hook . 'set realname="Nome "' send-hook . 'set from=e-mail@gmail.com' send-hook . 'unmy_hdr From:Nome' folder-hook . my_hdr X-Editor: Vim http://www.vim.org/ send-hook . my_hdr X-Operating-System: GNU/Linux/`uname -r` (`uname -m`) send-hook . my_hdr X-Uptime: \`uptime\` set signature=~/.mutt/.signature ---- {{tag>mutt .muttrc}}