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Arquivo configuração Gmail

set my_name = "Nome"
set [email protected]
set hostname=""
#color status cyan default
folder-hook ^imap:// 'unset trash'
set [email protected]  
set imap_pass=*******
set folder="imaps://"
set postponed="=Drafts"
set spoolfile="imaps://"
set smtp_url = "smtp://[email protected]:587/"
set smtp_pass= "*******"
#Remote folders
set trash =    "+[Gmail]/Trash"
set record = "+[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
unset record
set postponed = "+[Gmail]/Drafts"
set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
# which mailboxes to list in the sidebar
mailboxes +--[Gmail]----- +INBOX  +[Gmail]/Trash +[Gmail]/Drafts  +[Gmail]/'Sent Mail' +[Gmail]/Spam +nfe_dell 
# Trash 
macro index    d "s=[Gmail]/Trash\n<refresh>" "Trash Message"
#set headers
my_hdr From: [email protected] 
folder-hook .    my_hdr From: Nome  <[email protected]>
my_hdr X-Mailer: `mutt -v| head -n1`
my_hdr X-Sender: [email protected]
my_hdr Return-Path: [email protected]
my_hdr X-Operating-System: GNU/Linux Kernel `uname -r` (`uname -m`)
my_hdr X-Editor: `vim --version | head -n1`
my_hdr User-Agent:  `mutt -version | head -n 1`
unignore From To Cc Subject Date Reply-To			# Now unignore all 
unignore Organization X-Mailer User-Agent			# these
unignore User-Agent X-Mailer
unignore Reply-To
hdr_order User-Agent X-Mailer #hdr_order From: Date: To: Cc: Subject:# Place Headers in this order
# All kinds of hooks go here 
send-hook   . 'set realname="Nome  "'
send-hook   . 'set [email protected]'
send-hook   . 'unmy_hdr From:Nome'
folder-hook .    my_hdr X-Editor: Vim
send-hook   .    my_hdr X-Operating-System: GNU/Linux/`uname -r` (`uname -m`)
send-hook   .    my_hdr X-Uptime: \`uptime\`
set signature=~/.mutt/.signature

mutt_gmail.conf.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/12 17:35 by fafanet